Getting Started


npm install mockyeah --save-dev


yarn add -D mockyeah

Introductory tutorial

  1. Create an example project and initialized with NPM

    $ mkdir example-app && cd example-app
    $ npm init # all defaults will be fine
  2. Install mockyeah

    $ npm install mockyeah --save-dev


    $ yarn add -D mockyeah
  3. Create script file and add the source below

    $ touch index.js
    const mockyeah = require('mockyeah');
    mockyeah.get('/hello-world', { text: 'Hello World' });
  4. Run the script file with Node

    $ node index.js
  5. Open http://localhost:4001/hello-world

  6. Profit. You should see "Hello World" returned from your mock server.

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