
suiteName (String|String[]; required) Suite name(s) to mount.

Mounts the specified suite in the suites directory (e.g., ./mockyeah/mySuite/index.js). This behavior may be changed by altering the values in the suite files.

You can also pass an array of suite names, or a single string with comma-separated list of suite names, e.g.:'some-custom-suite,some-custom-suite-2');

or:['some-custom-suite', 'some-custom-suite-2']);

Or on the CLI, comma-separated:

$ mockyeah play some-custom-suite,some-custom-suite-2

or space-separated:

$ mockyeah play some-custom-suite some-custom-suite-2

Here is an example of a suite file:

module.exports = [
      headers: {
        'x-powered-by': 'Express',
        'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
        'content-length': '12'
      status: 200,
      raw: 'Hello world!',
      latency: 57

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    No results matching ""